Unleashing the Power of Human Pose Estimation with ComfyUI-OpenPose

A ComfyUI custom node to extract and visualize human pose keypoints from input images

Unleashing the Power of Human Pose Estimation with ComfyUI-OpenPose

The ComfyUI-OpenPose node, created by Alessandro Zonta, brings advanced human pose estimation capabilities to the ComfyUI ecosystem. This custom node leverages OpenPose models to extract and visualize human pose keypoints from input images, enhancing image processing and analysis workflows.

How It Works

  1. Model Integration: The node downloads OpenPose models from the Hugging Face Hub and saves them locally.
  2. Image Processing: Processes a single input image to extract human pose keypoints, ensuring batch processing is not required.
  3. Visualization: Draws keypoints and limbs on the original image with adjustable transparency, providing clear visual representation.
  4. Alternative Outputs: Generates an image with keypoints on a black background and exports keypoints data in JSON format.
  5. Model Options: Users can choose between two OpenPose representations: COCO and BODY_25.

The Idea Behind It

The primary goal of the ComfyUI-OpenPose node is to simplify and enhance human pose estimation within the ComfyUI framework. By integrating OpenPose models, this node allows for precise keypoint extraction and visualization, making it invaluable for applications in computer vision, animation, sports analysis, and more.

Example Workflow
Example Workflow


To integrate the OpenPose node into ComfyUI, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository into your ComfyUI custom_nodes directory:

    git clone https://github.com/alessandrozonta/ComfyUI-OpenPose.git

    or find the Custom Node from your ComfyUI-Manager

  2. Install the necessary libraries by running:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


    python install.py
  3. Restart ComfyUI to load the new node.


The ComfyUI-OpenPose node is a powerful addition for anyone looking to incorporate human pose estimation into their image processing tasks. By providing robust keypoint extraction and visualization capabilities, it significantly enhances the functionality of ComfyUI, making it a valuable tool for both professionals and enthusiasts in various fields.

For more details, visit the GitHub page.

Alessandro Zonta
Alessandro Zonta
Lead Machine Learning Engineer